I’ll answer my own question. Well, not fully - I don’t have a complete answer.
But it came to me, just now - a snippet, a morsel, a bite of an answer to my (most recent Substack - “Swimming”) twenty four question.
What would you do? What would I do? If now - right now - I only had twenty four to go.
It’s the middle of the night now, where I am.
I am awake.
It happens. Happens often. It’s OK. I kind of like it, if it does not last too long. My best thinking - clear thoughts come to me in these (middle of night) moments.
Write a few words. Clarify some thoughts. Go back - back to cleaner, clearer - sleep.
But if I were playing my Sci-Fi story - twenty four game. If I were at some point along the path to my imagined (everyone’s in the water with me) twenty four to go.
Tonight, unlike any other night in my recent past.
Tonight -
I would get up. I would get dressed. I would go outside.
I would go for a (middle of the night) walk.
I would go for a middle of the night walk in our neighborhood.
Maybe I would go for a middle of the night walk - up away from our neighborhood, up a bit, a short ways outside the developed area and into - up a bit into the side of the mountain that stands tall, not so very far from our house.
There are coyotes that roam there, somewhere, in places, living in crevices along the side of the mountain. For sure, there are coyotes.
And we’ve not seen any, but - we live in a desert and I’ve read about them, people getting bit. There are rattlesnakes and there are big black spiders, under rocks, or among low catus and scrub. Tarantulas, I’m pretty sure we have tarantulas living among us, even though I’ve not seen them.
So - walking at night, on this night - I won’t do it, wouldn’t do it normally, but -
If I was living in my story (“Swimming” - with only twenty four (to go),
Well then - night walk - absolutely. F It.
And night walk up into a little bit of mountain. Coyotes, rattlesnakes and tarantulas - be damned.
I just might night walk, up among the creepy crawlies and wild dogs and take in some local nature.
If I was playing twenty four, I just might cast off a good deal of my normal caution. (I mean, if the creeps and crawls get me. What do I have to lose?
Twenty three - down the drain? Twenty Three forever lost?
Big F’in deal.
You see - my story - my idea -
It’s not about dying. Thinking about - the end, an end.
It’s about living.
It’s a trick to self. A thought game. A (mix it up a little) note to self.
A - - - Am I Doing This Right?
Check, check. Is This Thing On? (Hot Mic)
A (self) Test.
Night Moves.
Night Walk.